Please click on a team member below to see their personal fundraising webpage and to support their run.

If you would like to contribute to a team of runners, or if the runner you are sponsoring does not show on this list, please click here  and note in Special Notes the runners you would like to donate to and we will make sure the appropriate runner receives credit for the donation.

 Team or Person
Allison Machnicki
Andrew Maguire
David DeGroote
Dean Capone
Derek Hoover
Fred Wright
George Lesieutre
Gina Ikenberry
Jaimie Wright
John Wilcock
Kathy Koetje-Simin (Kathryn Koetje-Simin)
Kathy Koetje-Simin (Kathryn Koetje-Simin)
Kristie Kaufman
Liz Novack
Marty (Marty Klanchar)
Meghan Mason
Michael Renz
Mike Casper (Michael Casper)
Mike Martin (Michael Martin)
Mohannad (Mohannad Abdulrahman)
Penn State Club XC (Thomas Stitt)
Tara (Tara Murray)
Tom Cali