April 21, 2014 I will again use my Boston qualifier to raise support funds for Centre Volunteers in Medicine. Although I count myself blessed to have had the Boston marathon experience multiple times, I know I'm even more blessed with the ability to run. In 2013 CVIM saw 668 unique patients, set up 1828 provider visits, and filled 10,000+ prescriptions. As of December 6, 2013, the waiting list for those who have passed eligibility at CVIM, are waiting for preventative care, and have never been seen is 2,381 individuals. Never take for granted the gift of health.
This year the Boston marathon will be an even more emotional experience than it is every time. The 3 lives lost and the multitude of lives forever changed by the bombings will be in all of our hearts as we run. Those innocent victims are what make Boston such a life changing experience. There are no spectators like it elsewhere. They are out there for hours and their enthusiasm never ceases even as ours as runners does. I will also be running for those who never will again. #BOSTONSTRONG