Many thanks to all our sponsors, but most especially to:


Welcome to the
4th Annual Battle of the Minds Event!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Penn Stater Conference Center


Do you know...
What trade Greek philospher Socrates was trained for

Who followed Woodrow Wilson as US President? 

What was John Glenn's first spacecraft called?  

If so the Rotary Club of State College and Centre Volunteers in Medicine invite you to join them for dinner, a live and silent auction, and the featured event -- a professionally produced trivia contest. All proceeds benefit Centre Volunteers in Medicine.  The evening starts with a cocktail hour at 5:30 PM and will be completed before 9:30 PM.

Want to see what Battle of the Minds is all about, check out the fun and philanthropy here!

Reserve your table now by clicking the registration tab to the left or by contacting Cathy Brown at 814.231.4043 or

Click below for more information on table and event sponsorship benefits.

 TitleOwnerCategoryModified DateSize 
Sponsor Benefit Information  7/25/2011240.73 KBDownload
Sponsorship Agreement  7/25/2011297.53 KBDownload